Saturday 30 October 2010

Preliminary exercise

For our preliminary exercise we had to reconstruct 40 seconds of previous students work. I and my other group members Connor Daly and Nassir Gulahmad decided to reconstruct a piece about possession. This involved the actress (me) shown to be possessed and wild. From our final piece it is clear that we are able to hold a steady shot as all the shot movements were professional and there was no jittering. We also showed that we are able to frame shots appropriately as we made sure we stuck to all of the shots the original students had used in their piece. We demonstrated a variety of shot types such as long shots (LS) and extreme close ups (ECU). An important aspect was the use of composition techniques. So we made sure we did things such as flow the rule of the thirds.
   Our finished work shows that we can apply the rules of continual editing. This is shown as all shots flow together. It also shows that we are capable of choosing appropriate editing transitions when putting the shots together. This is clearly shown as we have used techniques such as fading.
   Our finished work shows that we used appropriate costume and make up as we used near enough the same make up and costume that was used in the original piece. This was just a white t-shirt, lots of disturbing drawings all over the arms and lots of black eye liner. We are definitely positive that we used the right location for our piece as we found out from our teacher where the original students filmed their piece and we too filmed it there. This was the Faith room. I felt as the actress that handled the role well and conveyed the same message the original actress did. Although the only problem was that it took me a very long time to get into character and therefore wasted a lot of time.
   My role in the production of this piece was to be the actress mainly although I gave my ideas and opinions on editing the film. I did a lot of the planning; making storyboards for the film and helping g decide what shot types were needed. I did not help with the editing as much as I am not very good at and both Connor and Nassir were more than happy to do it.
   If I could improve the film I would make sure we had a lot more footage to work with. I would also make sure I was better at acting and gave them a lot more footage to work with. When it comes to my final coursework I will make sure we have a different actor as I feel I did not really do the roe any justice. I will also make sure I include myself more in the editing so I can involve my ideas more.

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