Wednesday 6 October 2010

Continiuty Exercise

In our film we have achieved some continuity at certain point but at others like the start when we have a long shot, extreme close up and long shot again it, doesn't look like it flows. it would of looked better if we moved the camera for a different angle and shot. Towards the end it appears to flow better when Nas exits out the door.

We used skills we learned last week like how to white balance, using the correct shots, use of a tri-pod,how to focus and change the exposure and filming to much so the film doesn't roll back to much so we don't have to re-shoot. We used a white wall for the white balance, we had a sheet for guide lines of shots, focused correctly and filmed to much so we had more to use. However we didn't check the spirit level on the tri-pod so some of the shots are off ever so slightly but its noticeable and on the end shot we should of made a higher exposure because the scene is very dark or made we should of used some lighting equipment.

We believe we have used the correct shots. stating off with a long establishing shot, the extreme close up, the long shot again, mid shot, close up and mid shot to end with.

We had a sheet to give us an idea of what shots we needed to use, but we did change the shot types slightly because we thought this would be better suited for our film. We learned from watching it after and editing it, that some of the shots we changed didn't look right so we need to plan.

We had a slow pace which can be seen as building tension. There was a lack of atmosphere because of body language.

We could improve the shot, make sure the tripod is level, change the exposure for dark areas and make sure it flows better.

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