Wednesday 3 November 2010

Mark for our film

we decided to give a our self 40 out 60.

we did not think it was good enough for a level 4 because we held a good steady shot, we didn't use all the shots to the rule of third, we used close ups and long shot showing we can use different distances, it almost looked like the original, the mis-en-sceen was good as we only needed a white room and a female with eye make up on, we edited so it made sense and used close ups more than once.

Tuesday 2 November 2010

Evaluation by Conor

For our preliminary exercise we had to recreate 40 seconds of a film clip made by previous media students. we chose to use the white room as it was the same genre as our group was hopping to use.
 We used a tripod so the camera would be steady and didn't hold the camera in out hands for any shot. the only time the camera moved was when we wasn't filming as we were following the 180 degree rule. i believe the shot types we used we correct, we went out with a shot list so we knew what shots needed to be done and what needed to be in each shot, however we did change some of the shots on set as we thought it may look better than the original. we used quite a few shot types like ECU, MS and ES. however i do think i may of been good to use some different angles as the only time you see the camera looking down is when we see the dead bodies. we followed the 180 degree rule and didn't cross the line, and always moved more than 30 degrees, you can tell this because there isn't what appears to be a jump cute anywhere in the 40 seconds.

The finish product flows really well, a lot better than all of our other movies. we did not use any transition effects, we did speed up the pan of the wall tho so it made it look unusual like something wasn't right.

Because the girl in the clip was possessed we thought it would be best to have her with dark eye make up, we were gonna make her face pale bu we could not get a light enough foundation. the actor had blond hair but in the original it was dark brown maybe black so that was off alot but it brought out her eyes a bit more. we need to find someone who wont laugh as much and who looked more like the girl from the original.

i helped doing the filming, and we all did the editing, i also created the shot list that we needed and uploaded the final video and sheets we needed. we should add sound to and remember to tell out actor to scream when we need her to and use better make up and not use a whiteboard pen for the drawing on her arm.

i would probably stick with this genre but maybe not used someone being possessed maybe a ghost you cant see but know is there.